Switching to Shipping through Tutulist

To switch your profile to ship through Tutulist is simple.  Shipping through Tutulist means that Tutulist will autogenerate the shipping label so all you have to do is print and send your item.  


1. Log in to www.tutulist.com

2. Click "Dashboard

3. Click "Account" then "Shipping Details"

4. Select "Shipping Labels through Tutulist" 

4(a).  If you are missing weights added on any of your live listings, you will see this screen: 



You can either manually set a default weight for all of your products, or update each of your listings. 


If you are unsure of the weight, here is a weight guide for your reference.  *We recommend over-estimating to ensure the shipping goes through without any issues.  


Once your item weights are update, go back to the shipping settings in your dashboard. 


4(b). If your products all have weights added, you will see this 



5. You have two options for handling payment for shipping labels:

1. Buyer pays shipping (most common)

2. Free shipping on all orders  - meaning you, the seller, will cover the cost of shipping for your buyers. The shipping will be deducting from your proceeds.


5(a) If you selected "Buyer pays shipping," you have the option to add a free shipping threshold:

1. No - this means the buyer will always pay shipping

2. Yes - this means you will pay for shipping if the buyer orders a certain dollar amount from your store.  (e.g. Free shipping on orders over $75+).  This free shipping threshold is only available for US orders. 


6. Next, enter in the default dimensions for your shipping packaging.  For your reference, standard polymailers are 10x13x1 inch.  Don't have supplies? You can order our $5 shipping kit here.  


7.  Add your address and phone number.  This is used to generate the label.


That's it! 




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